Hiking Trails
There are 11 wonderful trails off of Otter and Weslemkoon. Most lead to other lakes. Pikes Peak Trail leads to a lovely vista and a tiny cabin that children love to play in. You can see the trail heads on the Lake Map. They are:
The LWCA is committed to maintaining our trails. The goal is to keep our trails in clear and identifiable condition that allows hikers to be closer to nature. Work on a trail will consist of clearing limbs and foliage around the trail head sign, and on the trail pruning back branches and sectioning dead falls that block the path. Keeping it simple/natural, marking the start of the path, and clearing the way to make it an easy hike is the motto of our work.
If you’re interested in helping keep our trails clear and would like to participate; get together a minimum of two people to form a trail maintenance team. Contact Elaine Hardy by e-mail hardy.elaine@sympatico.ca Please have the names of your team members ready/committed to the task, and an anticipated date to do the maintenance, as well as a couple of trail choices (in case your first choice is already signed-up by another party).
Julie Antler's Presentation
Julie Antler, Forester with First Resource Management Group, spoke to us during our 2022 Fall Wrap Up Zoom gathering. Her presentation gave an overview of forestry in Ontario, spoke to the role of the Forestry industry in caring for our forests, and gave an overview of the Mazinaw-Lanark Forestry team. Here is a PDF of her presentation.
Where can you order some trees and shrubs for spring planting?
There is a fantastic Tree & Shrub Program provided by the Bancroft Area Stewardship Council (BASC). The program offers low-cost tree and shrub species suitable for naturalizing shorelines and / or bolstering the riparian zone at your cottage. All orders are placed using the BASC online store at www.bascstore.ecwid.com.