The LWCA is a volunteer led initiative and as such would not exist without the help of our volunteers. We are always in need of people to join the Board of Directors, to help out with events, trail maintenance, and more. High school students can earn their volunteer credits as well!
We currently need volunteers for the following Subcommittees and/or Director Roles:
Climate Change and Invasive Species
- Research current concerns and best practices
- how to mitigate
- how to prepare
- Coordinate Educational Outreach
- Implement Boat Wash Stations
- Participate in Citizen Science initiatives
Fish and Wildlife
- Research current concerns and best practices
- Liaise with MNR re fish monitoring
- Create Fishing educational outreach materials for Facebook/website/communiques
- Participate/organize community wide Citizen Science initiatives
- Prepare Long Term Conservation Plan and Lake Plan
Community Relations and Outreach (Director and/or Committee Member position)
- Hire and supervise summer students
- Organize Jr Loons
- Organize teenage Lake Steward
- Help Organize Community building events
- Provide contacts for septic pumping and education re septic tank maintenance
- Run the Photo Contest
- Create Cottage Renter Handbook
- Liaise with other lake stakeholders
- Marinas
- Trailer Parks
- Cottage Rentals
- Contractors/Businesses
- Full Time Residents
- Bass Fishing Tournaments
- Campers
- Algonquins of Ontario
Safe Boating
- Liaise with stakeholders
- Provide education and training
Trails & Campsites
- Create Trails map and descriptions (paper and online)
- Maintain Geocaches
- clear and maintain the designated hiking trails
Emergency Preparedness
- Provide Education and Outreach
- Organize First Aid/CPR Training sessions
- Organize Fire pump training
- Maintain the Fire pump list
- Advise on Emergency Preparedness (72 hour)
- Assist with Public AED acquisition
- Advise on Fire Preparedness, and Forest Fire avoidance
- Liaise with Township to establish South End Emergency Site
Youth Stewards Opportunities:
- Help with water testing (need boat license)
- Clean Drain Dry boat outreach at the marinas
- Campsite clean up
- Geocache checking & set new geocaches
- Shoreline clean up
- Thunderbox construction
- Social Media Graphics/posts about environmental topics - best type of dish detergent etc
- Canva graphics for the Goosechase Challenges
- Photography at events
- Reporter/Journalist at events
- Face painting at Makers Market
- Crafts with Kids at the AGM
We also have openings on the Board of Directors for a Membership Director.
If you can help out in any way please let us know!