The LWCA is very interested in helping cottagers to maintain their septic systems. Why? Good maintenance of your septic system is the best thing that you can do to protect our lake water quality and to prevent costly repairs and/or replacement.
A septic review / inspection will let you know the health of your septic system and if pumping services are required. If your septic tank gets too full, sludge can overflow into your bed where it may cause irreparable damage and require bed replacement. For an idea of what a septic system inspection is like, check out the video Understanding Your Cottage Country Septic System. This video, provided by the Federation of Ontario Cottager’s Associations (FOCA) is very informative.
Geoff Gordon was on the lake in July for the first round of septic reviews. Reviews were done at a rate of $175 per system. They are confidential between the owner and the reviewer. Everyone who worked with Geoff found it to be very helpful. One cottage owner has given permission to post her Septic Report Template, for your information.
If you are interested in having your system reviewed, you may contact Geoff directly at 613-334-9050 or email
Citadel Home Inspections and Kawartha Utilities have been on the lake for septic pumping in past summers. If you are interested in this service – for either septic inspection or pumping – you will need to have both of your hatches uncovered and provide clear directions or a map so that the inspector/pumper can find your tank and field (if you will not be there).
Any contractor pumping septics on the lake must be licensed to operate by the MOE; the potential for harm to our lake trout sensitive lake is significant if a spill would occur. Please ask your contractor for their qualifications and certification before hiring them to pump your tank.
The MOE inspects licensed operators to ensure they are using the correct equipment and processes to safely pump septics on water access properties. They also ensure that the contractor has an appropriate site to dump the sewage after it has been pumped or an arrangement with a municipal wastewater treatment plant.
If you have any questions or concerns about a contractor's qualifications please contact the MOE in Kingston at 613 549-4000, or the MOE TIPS… 1-866-MOE-TIPS (663-8477), 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and report the illegal operator to MOE enforcement officials.
Thank you for keeping our lake water clean by properly caring for your septic system.
Short video on how septic systems work and general tips on how to care for them.
Excellent video describing how a septic system works and how to care for it to protect our lake.
Checking Your Septic Yourself
Here is some very detailed information for cottage owners who want to do their own yearly septic tank checks:
Septic Smart
This booklet was created by the Ministry of Agriculture. It