The Annual General Meeting (AGM) is held on a Saturday morning in early August. It is hosted at one of our lake's marinas (on a rotating basis). It is well attended and enjoyed - both as an information meeting as well as a social event. Lunch is provided after the meeting to members and 'friends of the lake'.
At the AGM various directors present information about their portfolio. This is very helpful to members, as they can quickly get an overview of any issues that are impacting our lake (e.g., repairs to courtesy markers, forestry in the area, water testing results). There is an opportunity to ask questions and put your name forward if you would like to get a bit more involved in the lake (e.g., helping with maintaining trails). There is usually a guest speaker who is able to bring expert information about a specific topic. For example, at this year’s 2024 AGM we will have Kennith Cox join us from FireSmart to talk to us about fire prevention.
Please save the date for the 2024 AGM - Saturday August 10th. Location TBA. Bring a lawn chair, plate & cutlery, and lug a mug!
When members are called to join the Order of the Cockeyed Loon, they must take part in a loon flapping ceremony - with all of the other Cockeyed Loons who are at the meeting. (Four Loons Marina, 2019)
Our Jr Loons programs provide opportunities for kids ages 3-12 to participate in social programs which instil an appreciation for the lake environment and provide opportunities to form life long friendships. Lake Stewards programs provide opportunities for youth ages 12 and up to work together to tackle such projects as trail maintenance, small construction jobs, social media posts and helping out with Jr Loons programs.
We are always looking for helpers to assist with running events. Email us at
Every year on Saturday afternoon of the Labour Day weekend, families and friends gather at Tanglewood Marina to take part in a treasure hunt of epic proportions. The hunting takes between 2 and 3 hours, depending on how hard the clues are and how far you have to walk! Some families run, others go very slowly (the winner has to plan the hunt for the following year).
After the hunt participants enjoy a potluck dinner. Each team brings a salad and a dessert to share. There are hot dogs and burgers on the BBQ.
Save the date for the 2024 hunt, on Saturday August 31st. It is being organized by the Myles family, winner of the 2023 hunt. Cost is $10 per family for the hunt. Look for more information on Facebook.
At one station two participants had to add a black beard to their faces.
This is the winning team working on making words with toothpicks.
"Hairy Potter" in the boathouse
Doing the chicken dance!
Walk the plank! This was a very tricky one!!!
Anne of Green Gables and Marilla get ready for participants to arrive.